The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 114: Update C - About the projection magic

Update C - About the projection magic

This update covers the events of Update XXXII to XLII.

Music: None

On the plus side, we've finally hit the big 1-0-0!

On the down side, we still have over half this playthrough left to go.

Right now, I'm trying to come to terms with how hopelessly naïve my Master is for helping an enemy.

Meaning, he's still angry.

Maybe you can explain to me why saying this enemy was so important that you used a Command Seal?! *Sigh* Never mind. At least spare me the cheap philanthropy. In this War, everyone but the victor—

Music: School IV

At least we get to see this line again.

Music: School III

Hi Ronnie.

With an opponent like that, you won't show unnecessary sympathy. Whatever she is, she's dangerous.

Music: School I

In fact, maybe you should go and visit the poor girl. Seeing her might cheer you up a bit.

The magi who entered just for kicks are long gone. All that's left are class A magi and serial killers. Both of which happen to be my areas of expertise when it comes to hardcore, and legal I might add, ass-kicking.


You ready to head to the Arena? I am. No sense in agonizing over killing our opponent this time.

Get Archer's initial and generic chat for the week.

Talk to Rin.

...That can't be it. Whatever the case, it's obvious she's more than a mere mortal.

Go get the murder pendant from Rani-shit I already did that joke last time.

And off to the Arena.

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor

We can't risk coming into contact with them. So, let's put on our invisibility cloaks, huh?

Gain a level.

Run into Ronnie.

And leave.

Music: School III

To get so thrilled about receiving charity from an enemy Master isn't exactly sane. You might pick up some information by consorting with the enemy...but I don't think that's your game. Anyway, it would be a smart move to ask her about the magic distortions.

Hakuno has a bad dream.

Music: School I

There's more important things to think about. Like what Rani gave you, and that burst of magic.

Talk to Rani.

Talk to Rin.

Gain a rank in both Strength and Defense.

And back to the Arena.

Music: Fourth Chimeric Lunar Sea - First Floor


We finally nabbed the Trigger. But really, who are those two? The Holy Grail sure picked us a weird opponent.

Grab the Trigger.

And back out.

Music: School III

Talk to Leo.

Music: School I

If your memory is shot, you can either try to fill it somehow or ask someone to help you jar it a little. The magus in the nurse's office may be a waste of oxygen, but she does know a lot. Try talking to her.

Archer may be onto something. Talking to others might give me some insight into my true self. For now, I should go to the nurse's office. I want to check in on Rin, and maybe pick up some info as well.

There's no need to go out of your way to find danger. Facing enemy Masters is hazardous enough. Although far be it from me to suggest that you stop seeking out new and more powerful enemies to fight. Just be careful that your bloodlust doesn't blow up in your face.

Get an optional chat for our first Nephilim kill.

Team up with Rin.

Get another Skill.

Wing of the Crane is Archer's main damage move. It trades out the debuffs on the Red Hounds, but scales based on your Projection stacks.

He did say "Divine Aegis." There's no proof yet, but as Archer says, that Servant's identity may be linked to some religion.

Run into Ronnie.


And test out Archer's new Skill.

Decent damage.

But what about with two stacks?

Damn damage variance...

What about more stacks?

Much better.

With Wing's high cost, the best way to use it is to hold off until you can hit 5 stacks of Projection before spamming it, sticking to Red Hound until then.


Music: School III

Hey, if that's the only issue, you're golden...

Have another dream.

Talk to Rin.

Music: Down to Dawn

And get Archer's yellow chat.

Because of that, the atmosphere in my room is more relaxed than usual. I feel like I can actually talk. It's not like I've been waiting for the right moment to bring this up or anything, but...

Correction: one of Archer's yellow chats.

Like with Tamamo, Archer has exclusive content based on Hakuno's gender. But while all Tamamo got was a new dialogue choice with F!Hakuno in the first week, Archer gets entirely new yellow chats if you're playing as F!Hakuno and go on the Rin route. In fact, this chat didn't even trigger until I had talked with Rin just now!

Oh, I so called that.

...Well, it's not a bad idea to have a friend your age, but given the circumstances... Try not to get too close.

I sense that someone's dodging the issue. This is just my opinion, but Archer seems to act pointedly disinterested toward Rin Tohsaka. That points to him being either wary of her or interested in her.

Technically true!

Besides, have you seen Rin Tohsaka respond to me much differently than anyone else?

...When you put it like that, I guess I ought to drop the subject. I'm sure that Archer is interested in her, but Rin Tohsaka doesn't so much as bat an eyelash when she sees him. What could that mean...?

So she's your type, huh?

The first two give the same result.

Methinks he dost protest too much. Look at him clenching his fist and furrowing his brow like some kind of cheesy manga hero.

Hrmm... Uh, I apologize. I'm not usually so imnature.

Oh, don't worry. You're normally plenty childish. ...Yeah, I'd better not say that. Fortunately, Archer chooses that moment to clear his throat.

Listen, Master. I have a thing for women who are livewires, but even I have my limits. That girl's got enough ego to fill a concert hall, and that's not exactly a turn-on. I bet she kept her Servant on their feet. If you were a man, we could talk for hours about this, but seeing as how that's not the case... My type would be more...

Actually, never mind. I have a feeling that no matter what I say, I'll be digging my own grave.

Pretty much. The air curves he just played on looked awful familiar.

The joke here is that Archer is implying that Hakuno is his type, and caught himself at the last moment.

Once a harem protagonist, always a harem protagonist, I see.

...We should drop this, Master. Since we have to work together, I recommend we drop this topic.


...Argh, if only I had more proof!

Although I want to keep questioning Archer, he's too much of a prude to want to talk about it. I'll have to wait until I have some solid evidence to interrogate him.

Next time: We shoo out the clowns.